post ur favorite garfrield moments
hey i make garfrield movies
Age 32, Male
neat dude
f off
Joined on 1/2/11
fuk u
Real flash PLZ
Tom Fulp likes you flashes.
You must be proud.
I like when he kick Oddie's ass
I also like when
Garfield kills the spiders
I really loved when Garfieldt had to fight off robot monsters who enslaved humans to supply energy after the humans blocked out the sun as their final defense. That was a good one.
i like it when garfield pushes odie off the table
o wait thats evry comic o wel i like evry vcimic it is funy fuck!!!!!!11111111111111111111111
Gay Lazanya
your a fag
when tony the tiger beat the shit out of garfield
i liked whane garfrield ate the lazagnya even though jon told him not to
Hey dude, do you remember that one episode of Garfield where he is on a picnic but then some wacky ants come and take Garfield's food away and he gest really steamed?
i like the part when garfield rapes a granny
There's a week-long arc that was drawn back in 1989 for Halloween, in which it is suggested that Garfield is essentially imagining Odie and John, and that they abandoned him years ago inside the house he's in. It was a really bizarre story, and completely unexpected. Since then it's pretty much out in the open that Jim Davis created Garfield to be marketable, and has a lot less to do with the actual daily strips.
sujncsujdsbfudn(that means idk(that means i don't know) anything)
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